New Things Have Come

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Are you a person of your word? We should all be. In the Gospel reading today from Matthew 5, Jesus says, "Let your 'Yes' mean 'Yes,' and your 'No' mean 'No.'"

In our first reading from 2 Corinthians 5, St. Paul writes, "So whoever is in Christ is a new creation; behold, the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come."

Have you had a conversion experience? Not necessarily that you went from one faith tradition to another, but have you had a radical encounter with Jesus? If so, then you have changed. You are a new creation. Hopefully, you left many of your old ways behind. That's as it should be. We must be that new creation, allowing Christ to continually change us - for the better.

Father, thank you for creating us anew in Christ Jesus. May we leave our former way of life behind and continue as a new creation. Amen.

Today's Readings


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