Never Hunger Again

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In today's first reading from Acts 8, we read about Saul persecuting the Church. In the Gospel from John 6, we continue in the Bread of Life discourse.

Jesus said, "I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst." Jesus wasn't speaking of physical hunger and physical thirst. His meaning was much deeper.

There have a been a few stories of saints who existed for long periods of time only ingesting the Eucharist. But Jesus was referring to our spiritual hunger and our spiritual thirst. As humans, we all hunger for a connection with God. We all thirst for those "springs of living water." With Jesus, we need hunger or thirst no more. Jesus provides all we need for our spiritual nourishment. If you still hunger and thirst, come to Jesus today.

Father, we thank you for all the spiritual nourishment we need in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Today's Readings

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