Naked In, Naked Out

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For our first reading today, we’re in the first chapter of the book of Job, Job 1:6-22. Job is the most faith-filled man on the earth. In fact, the Lord brags about Job to Satan. So Satan makes a little challenge to God to see if he (Satan) can make Job lose his faith. The Lord agrees, telling Satan that he can do anything to Job except hurt his person. So Satan starts to work. He takes away everything and everyone Job has. But Job will not break faith. 

Job says, "Naked I came forth from my mother's womb, and naked shall I go back again. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD!"

While we may not suffer the kind of things Job suffered, we are all like Job in this: We came into the world naked and we will leave naked. God has given us everything and, in His time, it will all be taken away. The question is can we be like Job in blessing the name of the LORD in all things - including great loss and suffering?

Father, teach us to be like Job; to bless your name in all things, the good and the bad. Blessed be the name of the Lord! Amen.

Today's Readings

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1 comment

  • Carl: September 30, 2024

    On the surface, it might appear that God is using Job and all that befalls him as a mere pawn and part of a bet with Satan. Going a little deeper, it becomes evident that Job is a righteous man of great faith. Going deeper still, is witnessing God’s faith in Job – and humanity!

    Reflecting on this brings to mind the question of Why wouldn’t He? After all, He created us!

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