Another jailbreak in our first reading today from Acts 16. Today God uses a mighty earthquake to break the chains of Paul and Silas. And the happenings after the jailbreak are amazing! Be sure to check it out. For our Gospel reading, we’re back in John 16, as Jesus speaks more about the Advocate, the Holy Spirit.
Jesus says of the Spirit, “He will convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and comdemnation.” Every now and again (OK, way more often that I am comfortable with), the Holy Spirit gives me what I call a Conviction Notice. A Conviction Notice is when I am convicted about bad thoughts, bad behavior, etc. Sometimes these Conviction Notices come when I am in silent prayer. Other times they come through other people. Never are they easy to accept.
These are usually the times when God needs to knock me down a few pegs. We don’t always have to listen. In fact, hearing how we’re messing up can be one of the most humbling things we can go through. But when we accept our Conviction Notices, we grow. So, the next time you’re served, smile! Look at it like this…God loves you so much that He wants you to be the best you can be!
Father, we thank you for our Conviction Notices. Help us to accept them gratefully, that we may follow in the path of righteousness that You have set out for us. Amen.
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