Much is Required

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Perhaps St. Paul’s words in today’s first reading from Romans 6 are ones we should read every day, or even commit to memory. “For sin is not to have any power over you, since you are not under the law but under grace.” We are under grace!! In the Gospel reading from Luke 12, Jesus tells a parable of two servants, one faithful, the other unfaithful.

Have you ever wondered what God expects of you? Dumb question, right? I don’t know about you, but I often wonder what God expects of me. And then I recall Jesus’ words from today’s Gospel reading. “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.” So, I can’t say what God expects of you, but I can tell you what He expects of me. A LOT!!!!

I have been given so much. Faith, a loving family, health, unique talents, a place in the Kingdom…the list goes on and on. So I know that, since much has been entrusted to me, much will be required. Now, this isn’t meant that we are to think of God as a strict taskmaster. Quite the contrary. We must think of him as a loving Father. What parent does not expect much from their children? Now, they don’t always deliver, do they? But then again, neither do I. But God understands, forgives, and continues to expect much from me. How about you? Have you, too, been given much?

Father, we thank you for giving us so much. Help us to acknowledge your many gifts, and to realize that you require much from us. Then give us the grace, strength and desire to deliver. Amen.

Today’s Readings

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