Miracle Baby

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Today’s readings are similar in that they both tell stories of angels announcing the birth of a baby. Both mothers are barren and childless. Both children will become mighty men of God. Be sure to notice the similarities in the stories when you read them.

From the title of today’s reflection (Miracle Baby), one might think we would be talking about Christ Jesus. Not so. The two babies we read about today are Samson and John the Baptist. Both women were older and probably assumed that they would never have any children. But God had another plan. These women would become the mothers of two great men in the history of salvation.

Imagine the joy in the hearts of these women. They were going to have a baby! It’s a miracle! It seems that these days having a baby is not only not seen as being a miracle, but is often looked upon as a curse. Women who have babies are selfish, overpopulating the earth. Such nonsense! Children are a gift from God. Every baby is a miracle. If only we can instill this attitude back into society. If you haven’t done so lately, hug your babies today, no matter how old they are. And remind them what a miracle they are.

Father, we thank you for the miracle of children. Help us to teach everyone of the sanctity of every baby. Amen.

Today’s Readings


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