More from Job in our first reading today, as Job answers his friends who just confronted him about the unreasonableness of his faith. Job speaks of God’s “bigness.” In the Gospel reading from Luke 9, Jesus encounters three people who wish to follow Him. Jesus’ answers may be surprising.
To the last man, Jesus says, “No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the Kingdom of God.” Just as with a lot of what Jesus said, there are many facets to this and multiple things that can be brought to mind. One that really strikes me is the idea of living in the past.
So many people fall into this trap. They dwell on a past event and can’t seem to get past it or let it go. Jesus lets us know that the Kingdom of God is for the forward-looking. Think of it like this: when we receive forgiveness for our sins, God remembers them no more. They are gone, like a puff of smoke. It’s not that we shouldn’t learn from the past; we must. But if letting go of the past and looking toward eternity is good enough for God, shouldn’t it be good enough for us?
Father, help us to let go of the past, to revel in your forgiveness and keep our eyes fixed on the prize: eternity with you. Amen.
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