Listen to Him

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Today is the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. In the first reading from Daniel 7, Daniel sees in a vision “One like a Son of man coming…his kingship shall not be destroyed.” In the second reading from 2 Peter 1, St. Peter recounts the Transfiguration.

In the Gospel reading from Mark 9, we read the story of Jesus taking Peter, James and John up the mountain with Him as He is transfigured. Then a voice comes from the cloud and says, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.” Words to live by.

How do we listen to Jesus? Perhaps the first question should be DO we listen to Jesus? Jesus speaks to us in so many different ways – in prayer, through others, in the Scriptures. But if we’re not focused on Him, we won’t be able to listen. With the great cacophony of noise constantly vying for our attention, we must be diligent in carving out quiet time to listen to Him. Make a plan every day to “go up on the mountain” with Jesus, and do just what the Father told the disciples – “Listen to Him.”

Father, you know that so many things are drowning out the voice of Jesus in our lives. Teach us to seek out quiet time, that we may listen to Him. Amen.

Today's Readings

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