The Gospel reading for the second Sunday of Lent is the story of the transfiguration from Mark 9.
Peter, James and John got a glimpse of Jesus in His fullness. As they are gazing upon Him in His glory, a voice comes from the cloud and says, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.” The Father spoke directly to the blessed Apostles that day on the Mount of Transfiguration. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if God spoke so directly and clearly to us? Wouldn’t that make life and discernment so much easier?
God does speak directly to us. And what does He say? Exactly what He said to Peter, James and John that day. “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.” Are you doing that? Listening to Jesus? I often find that, with all the distractions of the world, that can be a daunting task. Because Jesus doesn’t scream blaringly loud from a TV. He doesn’t get up in your face and shout. More often, He speaks to us in the silence. When we close our ears to the world outside and open our hearts, then we can begin to hear Him. Listen…
Father, help us to tune out the many distractions that keep us from listening to Jesus. Still our hearts, that we may hear Him speak. Amen.
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Thank you Gus for all that you do I listen to you on my way to work each day and your repeat at lunch time I am a parishioner at sacred Heart parish in Manchester NH and just want to say God bless and I am a preschool teacher also god bless Irene Vincent