Life as a Ransom

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In the Gospel reading today from Mark 10, James and John come to Jesus and ask that they be able to sit at His right and His left in His glory.

After a bit of bickering, Jesus tells the Apostles, “Whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all. For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” As disciples of Christ, we are called to imitate Him. But how far are we willing to take that concept?

A ransom is something that you never expect to get back. We usually think of it in terms of a kidnapping situation. You pay the ransom to “buy back” that person’s freedom. Jesus bought our freedom with His very life. Are we willing to do the same for others? Give our very lives? I feel fairly confident that I would do that for my wife or kids or very close relatives. But what about people I may not know? Or those that I don’t particularly like? Jesus gave himself up for everyone. That’s how much He loves you and me and everyone else. Can we love like that? To go so far as to give our lives as a ransom?

Father, we thank you for the love and sacrifice of your Son, Christ Jesus. May we be willing to give our lives as a ransom for others, as He did for us. Amen.

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