For the past few weeks we have been reading about the life and times of King David. What a fascinating man! Our first reading today is from Sirach 47. It is a brief synopsis of the life of David. The Gospel reading today recounts the beheading of John the Baptist.
We can learn much from the life of David. David, like all of us, had his foibles and follies. He was, after all, a man. As we wrap up the story of David in the liturgy, I want to share a few things that strike me – attributes of David that we should incorporate in our lives.
Confidence and trust in God: See the story of David and Goliath. The young David, who had no chance against this behemoth, was supremely confident because he knew he was on the side of God, on the side of righteousness.
Mercy against a foe: When Saul was in a cave relieving himself, David could have snuffed him out on the spot. Instead, he chose mercy, even against someone who was trying to kill him.
Repentance: David messed up big time, and he repented. Read Psalm 51. Nuf said.
Finally, David was “a man after God’s own heart.” We should be the same.
Father, may we always be people after your own heart, and learn from King David. Amen.
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