It All Comes Out in the Wash

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In our first reading today from Micah 2, we see once again what God has planned for “those who plan iniquity.” The responsorial Psalm mirrors this. In our Gospel reading, we see Jesus telling those He heals not to make Him known, so that the words of the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled.

People do bad things. Some even do them with mailce aforethought. And I’m guessing that each of them are sure that they will get away with their dastardly deeds. And for a while, they may. But eventually, they must face the music. Even if “the music” is God at their final judgement.

It can be very tempting to try to get over on others for temporary gain. But, in the long run, the REALLY long run (read: eternity), it will never pay off. As the old saying goes, it will all come out in the wash. God will always have the last word. The prophets told the people this over and over again. Yet they refused to listen. Are we listening?

Father, we’re sorry for those times when we try to get over on others for our own gain. Help us to always seek what is best for others, as you do for us. Amen.

Today’s Readings


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