In our first reading today from Ephesians 4, St. Paul urges his readers to “live in a manner worthy of the call you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love.” I love this passage of Scripture because it first assumes that we have received a call. It then goes on to tell us how we can “live in a manner worthy of the call” we have received. Not easy to pull off, but great practical advice!
In the Gospel reading from Luke 12, Jesus chastises the people because they know how to interpret the weather and the signs that the earth gives, but they have no idea “how to interpret the present time.” In other words, they couldn’t see the forest for the trees. They knew what it meant when the wind blew a certain way and when clouds rose up that there was rain on the way. But they had no idea that the Messiah was standing right in front of them!
I daresay that this is a problem that has not only not gone away, but seems to have gotten worse. As we (humankind) advance in our knowledge of science and creation, so many fail to see the hand of the Creator at work. They are quick to attribute everything to random happenstance. This is a problem that Jesus knew all too well. When we fail to acknowledge the Creator, we discount God altogether or replace Him with the only alternative that we CAN see: ourselves. Let’s pray that our true advancements in knowledge will be in knowledge of God.
Father, forgive us for the times we fail to see the Creator in your creation. Help us to grow in knowledge of you each day. Amen.
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