Ignorance is Bliss?

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You’ve heard the old expression “Ignorance is bliss.” In the first reading today from Acts 3, St. Peter refers to the people’s ignorance. More on that in a moment. In the Gospel reading from Luke 24, we read about what happened right after the experience of the disciples on the road to Emmaus. Jesus makes another appearance.

Peter told the Jews that, in killing Jesus, they “acted out of ignorance.” In other words, they had not seen and/or believed and/or accepted that Jesus is the Christ. They now had to come face to face with the truth. Peter tells them to “repent, therefore, and be converted.” Now that they had been presented with the truth, it was time for a change.

I’ve done some really lousy things in my life, especially in my days when I had no faith. In looking back, I must admit that I acted out of ignorance. Trust me when I tell you that it brought me no bliss. Since I have come to understand the truth, I now have no excuse. I can no longer fall back on the excuse of ignorance. Knowing the Truth means no more excuses.

Father, thank you for taking away our ignorance. May our faith and knowledge create the change that truth demands. Amen.

Today’s Readings

We now have seats available for two couples on our pilgrimage to Spain and Portugal May 21-June 1, 2017. Registration is only available for a few more days. Click here for more info or call Select International Tours at 800-842-4842.


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