“Hosanna to the Son of David; blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord; hosanna in the highest!”
What a week this must have been for Jesus. Of course, He knew what was about to happen in the coming days. But what if that were you or me riding on that donkey into Jerusalem? Don’t you think that would be one heady experience? Reveling in the adoration of the people would have made my head explode from ego! Had I known what was about to come, though, I probably would have turned and run.
Have you ever had a time in your life when you went from triumph to tragedy in very short order? It hurts, doesn’t it? And it seems we always do everything in our power to avoid the bad stuff. But Jesus, even though He knew the bad stuff was coming, went willingly. Though it seems He experienced His greatest defeat after this amazing victory ride, His true victory was yet to come. Something for us to remember, in good times and in bad.
Father, thank you for the example Jesus gives us in seeming victory and seeming defeat. Help us to remember that, in the end, the victory is Yours. Amen.