Hope in the Resurrection

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In the first reading from Acts 8 today, we read about Saul persecuting the Church. Because of the persecution happening in Jerusalem, all but the Apostles left there. We read about the bold preaching and healing ministry of Philip. We’re back in John 6 for the Gospel reading today. Jesus says, “Everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I shall raise him on the last day.”

Being raised on the last day. It is one of the main tenets of our faith. The resurrection of the body. As Christians, we believe that we will participate in the resurrection of Christ. And He assures us of that today. Now, we’re not really sure what that is going to be like, but we can be sure that it will happen. But why is the resurrection of the body so important? Wouldn’t things be just fine if we lived in heaven forever with God and never had to receive resurrected bodies?

As Christians, we participate in the life of Christ. At our Baptism, we die with him and are reborn. In the Eucharist, we participate in the Body and Blood of Christ. Christ wants to be part of every part of our lives, and He wants us to be part of every part of His life. And on the last day, we will finish the final chapter of the story, when we will be raised up. This is our great hope – that as Christ was raised up, so shall we be!

Father, we look forward to being raised up on the last day. As Christ has defeated death, we look forward to participating in His victory. Amen.

Today’s Readings


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