We get more great Christology in our first reading today from Colossians 2. “For in him dwells the whole fullness of the deity bodily, and you share in the fullness in him.” St. Paul also talks here about how baptism replaces circumcision. This is a reason why Catholics baptize their infant children. As circumcision (which took place eight days after a child’s birth) was the sign of entrance into the old covenant, baptism is our entrance into the new covenant.
In the Gospel reading from Luke 6, we read the naming of the Twelve. We then see the setting for Luke’s sermon on the plain. (In Matthew’s Gospel, this sermon takes place on the mount.) Before Jesus preaches a word, though, He heals all who were brought to Him. “Everyone in the crowd sought to touch him because power came forth from him and healed them all.”
Power still comes forth from Jesus to heal. I think that too often we put limits on the healing power of Jesus. Through our doubt or lack of faith, we don’t allow all of the healing power of Jesus to become manifest in our lives. We need to stop that now! Whatever kind of healing you need – physical, emotional, spiritual – Jesus wants to give it to you. And not in tiny proportions. Let the healing power of Jesus flow out to you today!
Father, we come to you in the name of Jesus and allow His healing power to flow out to us this day. Strengthen our faith, that we may be healed completely. Amen.