He Gives Rest and Strength

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Have you ever felt like all your strength has been sapped? Physical and/or spiritual? Today's readings are perfect for those of us who have experienced this. From our first reading today in Isaiah 40: "The LORD is an eternal God...He gives strength to the fainting, for the weak he makes vigor abound."

Today's Gospel reading is perhaps one of the shortest of the year. Jesus said, "Come to me all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy and my burden light."

Rest and strength. I think the two are intrinsically linked. As an "athlete," it took me time to realize that you must rest your body in order to gain strength. You can't go full bore all the time. The same is true in the spiritual life. When we rest in Jesus, He will renew our strength. So take a breather, and then get back to the business of Kingdom building with renewed vigor!

Father, help us to remember to find rest in Jesus, that we may be renewed and continue our mission to glorify your name. Amen.

Today's Readings

With Christmas just over two weeks away, now is the time to order A Minute in the Church for your parish to give away at Christmas Masses at www.GusLloyd.com

1 comment

  • Kathy Wingert : December 10, 2020

    Beautiful! I listen to your show on my way to work and today you played a recording of a Christmas celebration by someone named Mary, a tear jerker, and you said you should have kleenex whenever you play that..where can I find that recording? It was beautifully done and I’d like to share with my husband..thank you!

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