God of the Living

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The first reading today from 2 Maccabees is an amazing story of courage in the face of terrible persecution. Read it for yourself, because it ties directly in with today’s Gospel reading. In the Gospel reading today from Luke 20, Jesus talks about marriage and the resurrection.

Some Sadducees, who did not believe in the resurrection, asked Jesus whose wife a woman would be at the resurrection. I can just see Jesus shaking his head and thinking, “You just don’t get it, guys!” He explains to them that, at the resurrection, “they are like angels.” He then goes on to tell them that God “is not God of the dead, but of the living.” This is very important for us to remember, especially as Catholics.

We believe in the Communion of Saints. We pray to the saints for their intercession. We ask them to bring our prayers before the throne of God. Many will ask, “Why do Catholics pray to dead people? The Bible condemns that!” But Jesus makes it clear today. Our brothers and sisters who are looking on the face of God are not dead at all! They are more alive than we are! Knowing that, we ask, “All holy men and women, pray for us!”

Father, we thank you for being the God of the living. We thank you for life today, and for life everlasting, which we receive through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Today’s Readings

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