God of All

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In the Gospel reading today from John 5, Jesus speaks of John the Baptist as “a burning and shining lamp.” He also lets the Jews know that John was a precursor to the One who is to come, Jesus Himself. “But I have testimony greater than John’s.”

The first reading today from Isaiah 56 starts out with some great advice. “Observe what is right, do what is just.” Words to live by, wouldn’t you agree? The reading then goes on to talk about “foreigners who join themselves to the Lord.” This was letting the people know that God’s salvation is not open only to those who were Jews by birth. All those who love the Lord and walk in His ways, even foreigners, would be welcome. “Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be acceptable on my altar, for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.”

Our God is the God of all. I know that sounds quite obvious, but do we show that to all people? Or do we make it known to some that God is God for only a chosen few? Do we sometimes have the attitude that if you don’t look like we look, talk like we talk, worship like we worship, etc., then you can go find yourself another God? Or do we invite people in, teaching them and encouraging them to walk in the ways of the Lord? Let’s remember that our God is not the God of some, but the God of all.

Father, you are the God of all. Help us to share your love with everyone, and invite them to observe what is right and do what is just. Amen.

Today’s Readings


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