If you read the epistles of St. John, you come to find out that love was his favorite topic. More on that in a moment. In the Gospel reading today from Mark 6, we see Jesus feeding five thousand men. That didn’t include women and children, so we can assume that the number of people was much higher.
The word “love” is used by St. John nine times in the four short verses of today’s first reading. But perhaps the three most well-known words are from 1 John 4:8 – God is love. This tells us not so much WHAT God is, but WHO God is. God is love. Do you believe that?
I ask that question because I’m afraid many people don’t believe that. Or perhaps they believe it but don’t truly experience it. Many view God as judge, jury and executioner. Often the cause of this is Christians. People who claim to know, love and serve God can sometimes be not-so-great examples of His great love. Have you fallen into that trap? I know I have – and too often still do.
Father, help us to love you more, that we may be better examples of your love to all. May all who see us find your love in us. Amen.