In our Gospel reading today from Matthew 24, Jesus tells a story meant to warn His followers against complacency. Two servants – one is always about his master’s business, the other figures the master will be away for a while so he becomes complacent and begins giving in to his baser passions. Of course, the master returns at an unexpected time. It doesn’t end well for the wicked servant. Are you about the Master’s business today?
In our first reading today, we begin St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. Spoiler alert: here is how it ends – “He (God) will keep you firm to the end, irreproachable on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful, and by him you were called to fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.”
God is faithful, and he will keep you firm to the end…if you allow it. You see, these two readings tie together very well. God is faithful, but we are not so much. It is when we become complacent that we begin to forget about God’s faithfulness. We lose focus. We take our eyes off the prize. And we begin being about our own business, and not so much the Master’s business any more. Let’s vow that today we will lean on God and be about the Master’s business. When we focus on God and His faithfulness, we can never go wrong.
Father, thank you for always being faithful. Help us today to stay focused on you and your faithfulness, that we may always be about your business. Amen.
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