Today's first reading is Isaiah 55:10-11. This passage is so important for us to understand, and is instrumental in my teaching about Seeds of Grace.
"Just as from the heavens the rain and snow come down and do not return there till they have watered the earth, making it fertile and fruitful, giving seed to the one who sows and bread to the one who eats, so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me void, but shall do my will, achieving the end for which I sent it."
God's words are seeds of grace, and they will always accomplish his will. This may not happen in the way we think it should, or on our timetable. But I always like to say that God doesn't do something for nothing. He hasn't sent out his word for no reason. God has a purpose and a plan, and his word goes into our hearts for a reason. (And the hearts of others.) Let God's word and the seeds of grace that have been planted in your life change you this Lent. And resolve to be a sower of the seeds of grace into the lives of others.
Father, thank you for your word. We pray that we will allow it to change us, so that the seeds of grace you have planted in us will bear great fruit. Amen.
Great books can provide seeds of grace. Get your friends and family the A Minute in the Church series and Magnetic Christianity from today and sow some seeds of grace!
Way to go Gus. Seeds of Grace never fail. Thankyou for your ministry.
Forgiveness IS NOT and option.