Are you being generous to your church and to the poor? These actions are pleasing to God and have great benefit. We read about it in today’s first reading from Sirach 35. This is affirmed in the Gospel reading from Mark 10.
Peter says to Jesus, “We have given up everything and followed you.” Jesus then goes on to talk about the benefits of giving up everything for Him. And He ends with this: “But many that are first will be last, and the last will be first.”
I think it’s very difficult to give up everything for Jesus. It’s a lot easier on paper than it is in reality. This idea of giving up everything isn’t limited to just physical possessions. What about our pride? Our status? Our family? Our will? Are we truly willing to give up everything and follow Him?
Father, show us the things that we still cannot let go of and give up to Jesus. Give us the grace to give up everything for His name. Amen.