Gus talks with LifeSite News writer Lisa Bourne about the American Civil Liberties Union suing the USCCB over the latter’s involvement in helping victims of human trafficking and not providing abortions or sterilization. Afterwards, he gets listeners’ opinions on whether or not the Catholic Church, or any religious entity, should get involved with the federal government.
And, Gus got a lot of email after yesterday’s show where he talked about Donald Trump’s initial answer to the abortion question raised by Chris Matthews at an MSNBC Town Hall Wednesday night. When asked if he felt women who get abortions should be punished legally, Trump said they should. He has since backed off that stance. Gus disagreed with Trump’s first reaction and reads a particular email from a listener he calls “Al” who ripped him apart for having made the statements that many women are forced into having abortions and that the abortionist should be punished ahead of the mother. He criticized Gus for leading his listeners astray with his remarks and doesn’t understand why he went after Trump. This reignites the entire discussion with callers.