Following Jesus

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In today’s Gospel reading from Mark 1, we read about the call of the first disciples. Jesus sees Simon and Andrew and says to them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” The Scripture tells us, “they abandoned their nets and followed him.” Shortly after the same thing happens with James and his brother John.

One of the things I love about this story is that we have no back story. Did these guys know Jesus? Had they listened to Him preach? Or did He just “randomly” come and command them to follow after Him? Whatever the case, they dropped everything to follow Jesus.

As Christians, we should be following Jesus. Right? But even if we have been following Him for many years, it seems we still get bogged down with so many cares of the world. Are we willing every day to drop everything and follow Him? What if it’s inconvenient? What if something more pressing is going on? (As if there is anything more pressing.) Can we follow Him always? Let’s look for the many opportunities Jesus will give us in the coming week to follow Him more closely.

Father, help us to keep our eyes and ears open to the ways that we can follow Jesus. May we always be willing to drop everything whenever that call comes. Amen.

Today’s Readings


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