Welcome back to Ordinary Time! In the first reading today we begin the Letter to the Hebrews. This is a letter whose author is unknown. Some scholars attribute it to St. Paul, or certainly someone in his circle, as Timothy is mentioned near the end of the letter. I know we’ll get much out of it over the next few weeks.
In the Gospel reading today from Mark 1, we read about the call of the first disciples – Simon and his brother Andrew and James and his brother John, the sons of Zebedee. Jesus says to Simon and Andrew, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Notice that Jesus said “fishers of men” and not “catchers of men.”
Fishing is a great activity/sport/hobby/pastime. The thing about it is you’re never guaranteed to catch anything. That’s why it’s such an appropriate thing to say when talking about evangelization efforts. There’s no guarantee our efforts will be successful. Like fishing, it can sometimes be frustrating. But we still have to “fish.” Leave the catching up to God.
Father, give us diligence in our “fishing” (evangelization). May we always be fishers of men. Amen.