Feeding the People

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An interesting story in our first reading today from Jeremiah 28. Hananiah was a prophet in the time of Jeremiah. He prophesies before the people and before Jeremiah. But God tells Jeremiah that Hananiah’s prophesy was a false one. This didn’t end well for Hananiah.

In the Gospel reading today from Matthew 14, Jesus feeds the multitude. (Five thousand men, not counting women and children.) The disciples wanted Him to dismiss the people so that they can go and buy food for themselves. But Jesus says, “There is no need for them to go away.” So he takes five loaves and two fish, says a blessing and feeds everyone until they were satisfied. Afterward, they had twelve wicker baskets left over.

Jesus was always good about making sure the physical needs of the people were taken care of. He not only forgave their sins and taught them about God. He healed their illnesses and fed them. You know, He does the same today. Jesus not only wants to give you all you need spiritually, but physically, too. He wants to heal you and feed you and take care of all your needs. Do you believe?

Father, give us the trust and confidence to know that Jesus will take care of our every need. Amen.

Today’s Readings


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