Feast of The Holy Guardian Angels

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Today we celebrate the Feast of the Guardian Angels. In the optional first reading for the feast day from Exodus, we see God telling the people that he is sending an angel before them to lead and guide them. He says that He has given this angel His authority; they must listen to him. In the Gospel reading from Matthew 18, we get the notion of Guardian Angels, when Jesus says that each little child has an angel that looks upon the face of the heavenly Father.

Thank God for Guardian Angels! I don’t know about you, but my guardian angel has had his hands full more than once. I can think of a few occasions where I would not be alive today were it not for the intercession of my Guardian Angel. And, as a parent, I have an even greater appreciation of Guardian Angels. In fact, every morning we would say two Guardian Angel prayers with our kids. 

Prayer in the morning:
Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day be at my side to light, to guard, to rule and guide. Amen. 

Prayer at bedtime:
Guardian Angel, guard me from harm, protect me in sleep without cause for alarm. Keep me safe through darkness of night, and wake me gently with God's morning light. Amen.

Father, thank you for giving us a Guardian Angel to watch over us and protect us. May we always be mindful and thankful for them. Amen.

Today's Readings

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  • Gus Lloyd: October 02, 2018

    Job was simply thinking he would be better off dead.

  • Theresa: October 02, 2018

    I listen to your show every morning on the way to work. I just want to thank you for all you do for us listeners.

  • Mary: October 02, 2018

    I read the first reading from the book of Job this morning and was looking forward to you reflection on that one. Could you share a reflection with me to help me better understand where he is coming from in this one?

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