Fearless Living

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Have you put on your armor for battle today? I sure hope so – the armor of God! Do you know what the armor of God is? St. Paul explains in today’s first reading from Ephesians 6. Time to suit up, my friend!

In the Gospel reading from Luke 13, some Pharisees come to Jesus and warn Him to leave because Herod wants to kill Him. Jesus says, in essence, “Tell Herod that I’m going to do what I came to do and nothing will stop me.” (That’s a paraphrase, by the way.) If someone told you that you were being hunted down, would you react the same way?

Jesus was fearless, because His love was perfect. St. John tells us that perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18). Jesus could live fearlessly because He loved fearlessly. He loved you so much that He went to the cross for you. Can the same be said of us? I think if we’re honest we would admit that we’re all afraid of something. Suffering and death come to mind. When we can love like Jesus, we can live our lives fearlessly. Be not afraid!

Father, help us love perfectly, that we might live fearlessly. Amen.

Today’s Readings


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