Today's readings are about fasting. In the first reading from Isaiah 58, we read about God's idea of a pleasing fast. (Hint: It has nothing to do with giving up food.) And in the Gospel reading, Jesus is asked why His disciples do not fast. Read His response.
Why do we fast? The reasons are many. We imitate Christ's fasting for forty days in the desert before He began His public ministry. I want to share a great little explanation that I found in Magnificat magazine today.
Fasting is a form of self-deprivation that deepens our appreciation of and longing for the food we really need. The reason why Christ's disciples do not fast is because they have given themselves over to Jesus, who is their Food. We fast in order to seek him day after day and to desire to know his ways more. We fast so that this Lent Christ will become our All.
Father, give us the grace to make our fast pleasing to you. May our fasting draw us ever deeper into the mysteries of Christ. Amen.