“At the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” That’s from our first reading today from Philippians 2. Is your tongue confessing Jesus today? In the Gospel reading from Luke 14, Jesus tells a story about a man who invited everyone to a huge banquet.
When the man sends his servant out to offer the invitation, everyone gave some excuse as to why they would not be coming. “I have purchased a field…I have purchased five yoke of oxen…I have just married a woman…” One excuse after another. Does this sound all too familiar? Of course we know that the banquet is the wedding feast of the Lamb. As Catholics, we know this is the Mass. Yet still we find excuses to avoid this magnificent feast. In a broader context, this can hearken back to the first reading and confessing Jesus as Lord. Seems there’s always an excuse for putting off getting right with God.
“Oh, I just bought a new car, boat, jetski, timeshare….” “Sorry, big game on TV today! Maybe another time…” “I was out late at a party last night. Gotta get some sleep!” “The kids have soccer, baseball, gymnastics, dance recital…” I’m sure we could list thousands of others. It begs the question – Where is your priority? This Sunday – even today – let’s stop making excuses for why we can’t or won’t give our lives more fully to God. Let’s shout from the rooftops, “Jesus is Lord!”
Father, forgive us for the many times we make excuses not to attend the banquet. Help us to always make You the first priority in our lives. Amen.
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