In our Gospel reading today from Mark 10, Jesus reads between the lines and answers a question that Peter didn’t even ask. This all happens right after Jesus encountered the rich young man.
Here’s what Peter said, “We have given up everything and followed you.” No question there. That’s just a comment. Yet Jesus knew exactly what Peter was asking. It’s that same unspoken question that really is the motivation for almost everything we do. It’s everyone’s favorite radio station. (Next to the Catholic Channel, or course!) WII-FM…What’s In It For Me? Peter didn’t even need to ask the question. And neither do we. Why?
Jesus has already answered the question. So, even though we may think it, from a spiritual perspective, we never need to ask. The rewards are there. If you want to know what’s in it for you, be sure to take a peek at today’s Gospel reading.
Father, we know that you always reward us abundantly for following Jesus. Help us get to the point where we don’t even think of the question any more. Amen.
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