Dream Big

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In today's first reading from Jeremiah 23, we see another prophecy that the Messiah will be from the line of David.

In the Gospel reading from Matthew 1, the story of the birth of Jesus unfolds. Upon learning of Mary’s pregnancy, Joseph intended to divorce her quietly. But the angel of the Lord appears to him in a dream and instructs him to take Mary into his home. Joseph is obedient and does what the Lord had commanded him.

Dreams are an interesting thing, aren’t they? The word has many different connotations. We dream while sleeping. We dream while awake – daydreams, we call them. And often when God places a desire on our heart, we refer to that as a dream. I think it’s important to follow our dreams. If it’s not from God, nothing will come of it. But if it is from God, it will bear fruit. So dream big, my friend!

Father, may we always follow our dreams, according to your will. Amen.

Today’s Readings


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