Divine Mercy Sunday

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Today, the second Sunday of Easter, is Divine Mercy Sunday. So, rather than do a reflection on the daily Scriptures (I’ll trust you to do that on your own!), I thought we could take just a moment to reflect on God’s mercy.

If you do a search of the Scriptures, you will find hundreds of references to the mercy of God. Think about it…if God gave humans what they truly deserve, well…there would be no humans. Hard as we try, it seems that we invariably will turn our backs on Him eventually. That’s where mercy comes in. No matter how bad we are, no matter how egregious the sin, God is always ready and willing to welcome us back. All we have to do is repent and ask.

Jesus spoke often of God’s mercy. And he told us that we must excercise our “mercy muscles.” “Be merciful, as your Father is merciful.” Later this year, we will begin a Year of Mercy as proclaimed by Pope Francis. So, on this Divine Mercy Sunday, let us thank God for His mercy upon us, and ask that He give us the grace to share His mercy with others, especially those who are least deserving of mercy. Because after all, we fit into that category, too.

Father, thank you for your great mercy toward us. Help us to be merciful to others, especially those that we find most difficult to extend mercy to. Amen.

Today’s Readings


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