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Today's first reading from Sirach 2 is one of the most powerful and hopeful readings in all of Scripture. We would all do well to read it again and again, and put its principles into action.

Near the end of the reading there is a series of questions. "Has anyone hoped in the LORD and been disappointed? Has anyone persevered in his commandments and been forsaken? Has anyone called upon him and been rebuffed?"

Has God ever disappointed you? I suspect we've all been disappointed at times. But this is a very human way of looking at things. We're disappointed because things didn't go the way we thought they should have gone. We fail to understand that God had a different plan, one that would ultimately lead to what is best for us. Go over this first reading a couple of times and things should become clearer.

Father, help us to put all our trust in you, for when we do, we shall never be disappointed. Amen.

Today's Readings

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  • Cathy: February 28, 2019

    Thank you so much for your perspective. I have struggled for four years since the death of my brother. I prayed so hard for a cure, truly believed that God would perform a miracle. It was not to be. Devastated, heartbroken…I didn’t know if I was praying wrong, if I was not worthy of this miracle, if God even loved me. Although, I continued on day by day, I witnessed other people getting their prayers answered and even a true miracle for someone else. It has been hard hearing, ask and you shall receive…knock and the door is opened. It doesn’t happen to me or for me….until today when I heard this message on Seize the day. I now have a better understanding of God’s love and even if I don’t know the plan for my life, I’m sure what God has planned for me is better than anything I can imagine. Thanks to you, my sadness inside me is lifted. You are a gift to so many and I just wanted you to know that. God bless you. Gratefully, Cathy an avid listener

  • Jerry wolf : February 26, 2019

    It was a honor to meet you and your bride last night. enjoyed the mission wished we did have to go back to colo but it’s going to be warmer there.thanks for the books you gave my wife .

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