Barnabas and Paul were well-traveled men. God kept them very busy. In today’s first reading from Acts 12-13, the Holy Spirit says, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” And off they went.
St. John was big on writing about light and darkness. Today he recounts Jesus saying, “I came into the world as light, so that everyone who believes in me might not remain in darkness.” Christ is the light that must illuminate our lives, so that we can share that light with the world; for the world can be a very dark place.
Darkness is something that I struggle greatly with. While I try my best to allow the light of Christ into every area of my life, I still have much darkness within. It is a constant battle to keep the darkness at bay. On my own I cannot do it. I will invariably succumb. But as I keep Christ close, His light alone can chase away the darkness.
Father, help to keep Christ ever close to us, so that we may not return to the darkness, but remain in His glorious light. Amen.