Child's Play for God

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In the first reading today from Exodus 14, we see one of the biggest miracles of all time. Maybe you’re familiar with the story of the parting of the Red Sea. In the Gospel reading from Matthew 12, Jesus lets us know about how we have a family bond with Him. He says, “Whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother.”

Pharaoh was bent on getting the Hebrews back into their place – as slaves of his. After the ten plagues, he relented and let the Israelites go. After rethinking the matter, he goes out with his mighty army to take the Hebrews back into captivity. Cornered against the Red Sea, God has Moses part the sea and the children of Israel walk to the other side on dry land in the middle of the sea. When the Egyptians follow, God closes the sea back up and it swallows Pharaoh and his army; every single one of them.

This is one of God’s biggest miracles in the history of the world. One that would be remembered forever. But it always serves as a reminder to me that God still does miracles every day. Now, they may not compare to the parting of the Red Sea – at least not in our eyes. But I believe that in God’s economy, the parting of the Red Sea was just another miracle for His people. No bigger or smaller than any other miracle. For God, child's play, really. When we think about it that way, it may help us to put those “small” miracles that God does every day into perspective. Whether we think so or not, every miracle is a really big miracle.

Father, nothing is too big or too small for you. Open our eyes to see the great miracles you do every day. Amen.

Today’s Readings


  • Michael Maronick: July 21, 2021

    Gus…I listen religiously to your show and thank you for spreading the Truth and God’s / Jesus’/ St Paul’s message…. Please opt me in to your 60 second reflection… I have signed up but the emails do not arrive…
    …… greetings from MT… “may truth and justice kiss”…. God Bless…MontanaMike

  • Carl: July 20, 2021

    As usual Gus, another great reminder of the power of God.

    I remembered a conversation with a friend and parishioner who asked if I had seen any of the episodes on the History Channel “explaining” some of the miracles. This passage was “explained” that it was indeed possible – because there was a low tide which permitted the Israelites to pass, but not the weight of the Egyptian chariots.

    So, not the work of God, just a natural occurrence that could be explained – without considering God in the equation.

    The hand of Satan is always at work.

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