Jeremiah’s friends abandoned him. In fact, they became his foes. He says, “All those who were my friends are on the watch for any misstep of mine.” How often this happens. We speak the truth, and even our friends (and maybe even family) shy away from us. Keep speaking truth!
In the Gospel reading today from John 10, Jesus says to the Jews, “If you do not believe me, believe the works.” In other words, Jesus showed them His power, His might, His authority, through His works. He showed through example. Because of this, many began to believe in Him.
This should be the way it is in our lives. We can talk all we like, but if we’re not backing up the words with works, then the words become empty. We can’t just talk about loving and serving God and others; we have to do it, to live it out day by day. When we do, others will notice, and may even begin to believe.
Father, help us to back up our words with action, that we may help bring others to faith in Christ Jesus. Amen.
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