Being Sent

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In today's first reading from Amos 7, we see Amos being sent out by the LORD. But he starts with his lack of bona fides or experience. "I was no prophet, nor have I belonged to a company of prophets; I was a shepherd and a dresser of sycamores." A shepherd and a tree guy. Yet God sent him out.

In today's Gospel reading from Mark 6, Jesus sends out the Twelve and gives them instructions. It's important to note that none of the Twelve were prophets. They were fishermen, a tax collector and from various other states in life. I'm pretty sure none of them would have felt qualified to do what God had planned for them.

I don't know about you, but I always feel super unworthy and grossly unqualified to be sent out by God for anything. How could God possibly use me, a wretched sinner? Ever feel that way? I suspect so. Yet, despite our flaws and faults, God does, indeed, use us. But it all starts with our "yes." Will you give yours today?

Father, we thank you for sending us out today to build up the kingdom of God. Use us, despite our many flaws. Amen.

Today's Readings

1 comment

  • Carl: July 14, 2024

    “Was anyone here adopted, or adopted someone?”

    That’s how our pastor started his Homily. He then read a little from Paul’s letter (Eph 1:3-14) – how we are all adopted daughters and sons of Him.

    Seems like he and you are on the same page! He expressed that it is by us being His adopted children is how Amos and the Apostles got what they needed to go forth and serve Him – “So what’s your excuse?!”

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