Becoming Like God

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Do you know John 1:29? If you’re Catholic, I’m certain you do. We hear it every time we go to Mass, as the priest holds the consecrated host aloft, right before we go to receive the Eucharist. You’ll find it in today’s Gospel reading. Be sure to check it out.

For our first reading today, we continue in 1 John. Today St. John talks about our future, what things will be like in the next chapter of our story. What we will become in the fullness of time. Here’s what he says. “Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we shall be has not yet been revealed. We do know that that when it is revealed we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.”

Theologians call this the beatific vision. We shall become like God; we will become one with him. Not that we will be God or little gods. But since God is love, we shall be filled with love. But while we’re still here, we should be striving for that anyway. We call it practicing our faith. Only when we are with him will it be perfected. But we still need to work on becoming like God, every moment of every day.

Father, fill us with your  love and your grace, that we may be more like you now, as we await eternity with you. Amen.

Today’s Readings

A Minute in the Church: Life in Christ will be available January 18. The subtitle is “One Minute Explanations of Catholic Practice and Devotions.” I hope you’ll consider getting copies for yourself, family and friends!


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