Be Merciful

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We know that the Lord is merciful. In our first reading today from Daniel 9, we read, "But yours, O Lord, our God, are compassion and forgiveness."

In the Gospel reading from Luke 6, Jesus says to His disciples, "Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful." In other words, Jesus is telling us to be God-like. As followers of Christ, we may be more comfortable with term "Christlike."

Being merciful is something that many (yours truly included) find difficult. It is especially difficult showing mercy to those we don't feel deserve mercy. But be merciful we must, for Jesus commands it. Many of us find this difficult because we feel that mercy excludes justice. This is false. The two are not mutually exclusive. In fact, true mercy demands justice, just as true justice demands mercy.

Father, forgive us for our merciless ways. May we show mercy, just as you show mercy. Amen.

Today's Readings

Easter will be a great time for parishes to reach out to folks they haven't seen in a long time. Send them a copy of A Minute in the Church: The Mass and encourage them to return to the Holy Sacrifice. Order for $1 a copy in bulk at today. 


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