It’s common knowledge that men don’t like to ask for directions. I guess in the age of the GPS, that problem has been all but eliminated. Asking for help, for men or women, is often a very difficult thing to do. We fancy ourselves strong and independent. I can handle it!
In the first reading today from the Book of Esther, Queen Esther cries out to God for help. She has become the last hope to save her people. She knew she couldn’t do it on her own. In the Gospel reading from Matthew 7, Jesus says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”
This fierce independent streak that most of us have can be deadly in the spiritual life. If you think you can handle the spiritual battles in which you must engage every day by yourself, you are sorely mistaken. You are destined to fail. If we but go to God and ask for help, it will be given us. But the first step is conquering our pride and asking for help.
Father, we recognize that we cannot defeat our sinfulness alone. Help us today to abandon our pride and accept the graces you offer abundantly, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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