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As Catholics, we profess a belief in the Communion of Saints. I believe this is what we read about in the first verse of today's first reading from Hebrews 12. "Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses..." Always remember, the saints in heaven are praying for you!

Today's Gospel reading from Mark 5 is the story of Jairus' daughter. Jairus, a synagogue official, comes to ask Jesus to heal his daughter. Unbeknownst to Jairus, the girl has died. But Jesus takes her by the hand and says to her, "Little girl, I say to you, arise!" And the girl is brought back from the dead.

Doesn't it sometimes seem that life is a constant struggle? While physical death awaits us all (barring the return of the Lord), spiritual death can happen at any time. When we fall prey to sin, we experience death. But Jesus can bring us back to life! Listen for His voice as He cries out to you. Arise!

Father, we thank you for the grace that brings us back to life. May we be healed today and arise! Amen.

Today's Readings

1 comment

  • Christine Savarese: February 01, 2023

    Thank you for todays reflection. I needed these encouraging words. I have felt so lost and disconnected to our Lord. I realize it is me and not God – H is always there waiting. I will arise today to embrace the love, gifts and graces He has given me.

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