Another Chance

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In the Gospel reading today from Luke 13, Jesus tells an interesting parable.

A landowner has a fig tree that has borne no fruit after three years. He orders it be cut down. But the gardener asks for another season, another chance. He tells the landowner, “It may bear fruit in the future. If not you can cut it down.” The gardener was willing to tend to the tree. “I shall cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it.” The gardener was not willing to give up on the tree just yet.

Have you ever had someone like that gardener in your life? Perhaps a parent, a boss, or a spouse. In the eyes of some you may have seemed unredeemable, but someone believed in you. They were willing to go to bat for you one more time. We all need that person in our lives. Better yet, we need to be that person to someone else. Is there someone in your life who needs another chance? Who just needs someone to believe in them? Be that someone for them today. Because God is that someone for you. He’ll never give up on you; always ready to give you a second chance.

Father, we thank you for always believing in us, no matter what the rest of the world thinks. Teach us to show that same faith in another. Amen.

Today’s Readings

1 comment

  • John Paloma: October 31, 2018

    God Bless you on your journeys!
    Do you think you could offer a different word to describe God when you write your wonderful summaries?
    I copy some of your notes, and offer them to others to enlighten their days. (I always present your name). Some believe that God is the God of man, to include Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
    But some see God as the God Allah, or Hindu Gods.
    Would you be willing to change the praise of God to Jesus in your writings?
    I know, it sounds silly, but some people are silly.
    (If not, your words are still a blessing.)

    Safe travels.
    Yours in Christ

    Camby, Indiana

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