American Idol(s)

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Paul and Barnabas run into a very interesting situation in today's first reading from Acts 14. After facilitating a healing for a man, the crowds began to worship them as gods.

The Lycaonians were a pantheistic people. They worshiped many gods and idols. After the healing, they bowed down and were going to offer sacrifice, referring to Barnabas as "Zeus" and Paul "Hermes." Naturally, Paul and Barnabas would have none of it.

It's probably easy for us to scoff at these folks for worshiping idols. After all, we worship the One True God only. Or do we? The TV show American Idol recently made a comeback. Now, I'm sure you don't know anyone who would worship a young singer. (Or do you?) But perhaps we (especially Americans) should take a hard look at any idols (think sex, money, power, prestige, etc.) we may have an attachment to. Because idols come in many  forms, and worship can be done on many levels.

Father, forgive us for our own idol worship. May we worship you alone, and may our lives testify to that fact. Amen.

Today's Readings

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