Adjusting to the Light

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It’s interesting to see how often the Holy Spirit speaks in Acts of the Apostles. We see another instance of this in today’s first reading, where the Holy Spirit says, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Then the Holy Spirit sends them forth…just as is the case with you and me!

In the Gospel reading from John 12, Jesus says, “I came into the world as light, so that everyone who believes in me might not remain in darkness.” We know that it is easier to navigate in the light. But this goes back to Jesus’ references to old and new. Here’s what I mean.

When you’re in a dark place (physically), your eyes adjust and you get used to being in the dark. Then when a light suddenly turns on, you recoil. You cover your eyes and have to slowly adjust to that light. Perhaps it’s that way with the light of Christ. We become used to our spiritual darkness – perhaps even comfortable. Then when the light of Christ comes in, it can hurt, cause us to recoil. But as we adjust, we’ll find that life is indeed easier to navigate, as we see everything much more clearly.

Father, forgive us for wanting to remain in darkness. Help us to always take in more of the light of Christ into our lives. Amen.

Today’s Readings


  • Lerma Clara: May 08, 2020

    Why did the 1st reading refer to Paul as Saul? Wasn’t he already converted?

  • Carl: May 08, 2020

    Nice analogy – I agree. Similar to how drinking a cold drink on a hot day can almost feel painful with the first few gulps.

    My dilemma relates more to “…wanting to remain in darkness.” How many (like me) are in some darkness not by choice, but as a result of the differences of opinion/direction we are receiving from our Church hierarchy? I read Scripture, pray daily, have a Spiritual Director, read other forums, and still feel in the dark about a number of things.

    For brevity, I offer a current example. A number of people I communicate with are huge “followers” of Bishop Robert Barron and his “Word on Fire.” Others, who find many flaws in Vatican II, refer to him as “Mr.” Barron.

    Our Lady warned, in part, that cardinal will be against cardinal and bishop against bishop. How easy is it then for many to be in darkness that is not of one’s own choosing?

    I pray for the wisdom to discern His Word and the faith to follow it.

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