A Minute in the Church: Back to the Basics is now available at www.GusLloyd.com!
This is the fifth book in the A Minute in the Church series. It covers some of the most basic tenets of the Catholic faith, including the Ten Commandments, the Seven Sacraments, the Precepts of the Church, the Seven Deadly Sins, Grace and much more. These are things that even many cradle Catholics don't know enough about.
Individual copies are just $5 each. You can get the complete set of five books for just $20.
As with all the books in the A Minute in the Church series, this new book is available for just $1 a copy when purchased in bulk (100 copies or more). And you can mix and match with the other volumes to get to 100 copies.
Please get this important new book for yourself and your family and friends. And be sure to order one for your pastor, and ask if he would be interested in giving copies to every family in the parish as a Christmas gift. It will build good will, and help teach the faith! For $1 a copy, you can't go wrong!
Paper copies are available only at www.GusLloyd.com. You can also get it as an ebook at your favorite ebook retailer, or at www.GusLloyd.com.
Please pray for this important evangelization and teaching effort. May God bless you and your family!
Gus Lloyd
I see that you state on p 15 of your booklet that
“Intentionally skipping Mass is a mortal sin.”
If I were to murder someone out on the streets, THAT would be a mortal sin. YOU are equating one deciding not going to mass the same as killing someone, is that correct?
I object to that comparison OR the suggestion.
Can you provide a Biblical reference that supports your statement? thank you
Andy Echeandia
I see that you state on p 15 of your booklet that
“Intentionally skipping Mass is a mortal sin.”
If I were to murder someone out on the streets, THAT would be a mortal sin. YOU are equating one deciding not going to mass the same as killing someone, is that correct?
I object to that comparison OR the suggestion.
Can you provide a Biblical reference that supports your statement? thank you
Andy Echeandia
Dear Gus:
1st thank you for your teachings about the Church. My wife is a reborn Catholic, and has become quite active in her Church. I just ordered 20 copies of all 5 books to give to her and her family for Christmas, as well as to donate the remainders.
We listen to you nearly each weekday, and ALWAYS learn something new.
We thoroughly enjoy your style and message.
May G-d continue to bless you and your family.
With Love,
-Tony Greenberg