Apparently there were some preachers coming through Corinth that were preaching a gospel different from the one that St. Paul had been preaching and teaching. And St. Paul addresses this in 2 Corinthians 11. We’ll talk about that shortly. The Gospel reading today is from Matthew 6, where Jesus teaches us how to pray. We know the prayer as the “Our Father.” Probably as familiar to us as our own names, right? And yet so rich and full of meaning that we could never plumb its depths. So today, say it slowly, read it slowly, savor every word and phrase. See what God will work in your life through the Lord’s Prayer!
Pope Benedict XVI was big on speaking out on the dangers of relativism. In today’s first reading, St. Paul does the same in a roundabout way. Listen to his words to the Corinthians…”For if someone comes and preaches another Jesus than the one we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it well enough.” Hmmm…seem the more things change, the more they stay the same.
As there were in Corinth, there are many today who are preaching a false gospel. And, as St. Paul said to the Corinthians, “you put up with it well enough.” People continue to buy into the world’s lies. Sometimes it seems like fewer and fewer want to listen to the Church. But the Church preaches and teaches the true Gospel, the teachings of Jesus as handed down to the Apostles and their successors for 2000 years. If you hear anything that contradicts that, even from “superapostles,” don’t be fooled. Why put up with that which will lead you astray?
Father, forgive us for those times that we are seduced by a false gospel. Give us the wisdom to always turn to the truth, as given us by your Church. Amen.