A Cleansing

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There is never a wrong time to do the right thing. This is one of the lessons we can get from today's Gospel reading from Luke 6, when Jesus heals a man on the sabbath. 

In today's first reading from 1 Corinthians 5, St. Paul brings up a sordid example of sexual misconduct - a man living with his father's wife (his own stepmother.) The people of Corinth were not only tolerating this, but celebrating it. St. Paul excoriates them and tells them, "Do you not know that a little yeast leavens all the dough? Clear out the old yeast, so that you may become a fresh batch of dough." In other words, get rid of this guy before he corrupts you all.

St. Paul was calling for a cleansing in the Church in Corinth. The cancer (i.e. yeast) needed to be excised from the community to keep it from spreading. Sound familiar? There seems to be much corruption in our Church today. That's why corrective measures need to be taken - now! The cancer of corruption must be removed before it infects the whole body of Christ. Let us pray that that process has begun in earnest.

Father, remove the cancer from your Church, and keep the children safe from harm. Amen.

Today's Readings

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1 comment

  • Donald: September 11, 2018

    We look for your daily prayer and pray with you for a cleansing within our church clerb

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